The inaugural Wild & Naked Food Expo is set for Saturday July 9th, 10am – 2pm @ Queen Elizabeth 2 Centre, Lower Hall.
Foraged, local, native, wild sewn and unpackaged foods are promoted and celebrated at this event as part of The Goodness Festival. Stallholders with products, tastings, demonstrations, information and resources pertaining to Wild & Naked foods will be present as well as guest speakers including; Wild Woman Wendy sharing Edible Seaweed tips. and Julie Firth talking about Wild Sewn Gardens.
Panel discussion on native foods, and fermenting.
Activities, prizes and more.

Julie Firth from Drylands Nursery will be educating us about Wild Sewn Gardens,. Wild Woman Wendy sharing Edible Seaweed tips
Do you have a product, workshop or information you would like to share? Please get in touch with Lara, 0477426878, connect@scinapse.org.au
We love volunteers! If you would like to assist Please get in touch with Lara, 0477426878, connect@scinapse.org.au